You ever have that film that you love but everyone else seems to despise? Maybe it's a film you grew up with, maybe it's one you have a personal connection with, maybe it's one that you think you see something in that others just don't. Whatever the reason, you just seems to like the film more than other people. I think we all have films like that.
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It's okay baby, I'll still love you. |
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Lower by two points, but still! |
But first, a little backstory.
This film is, as if you couldn't tell, a sequel to 1987's Predator, a film where Arnold Schwarzenegger punches an alien to death in the jungle.
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Yeah, it was pretty awesome. |
Get ready to traverse the skylines of Los Angeles and make that weird clicking noise in the back of your throat as we look at Predator 2.
We open to a very 90's Fox logo
After panning over some jungle meant to fake you out into thinking that this Predator movie is going to be like the last one, we pan up to see a smoggy Los Angeles skyline in the far off, futuristic year of...1997!
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Mmmm, smells like Yo Yogi, Generation X angst and Bill Clinton sex scandals. |
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The same year as the OJ Simpson trials! God help us all! |
So y'know, not that much different from now, really.
Anyway, we partake in a thrilling action sequence as cops trade gun fire with stereotypical Colombian gangsters.
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We are Speedy Gangzales, the fastest shooting men in all of |
I kid, but I would be lying if I said I didn't think this film cribbed just a little from Robocop.
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Pfft, yeah, just let me know where I can buy my 6000 SUX. |
In any case this particular news bulletin is disrupted when our main character nearly runs over the anchor, Tony Pope (Morton Downey Junior, a man surprisingly unrelated to Robert Downey Junior). It's here we meet our no-nonsense, loose canon, totally never been done before main character Detective Mike Harrigan played by Danny Glover.
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No, I said DANNY Glover |
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Much better. |
Glover makes for a fine leading man despite the grandpa pants he's wearing in every scene, though I can't help but prefer the hamminess of AHNULD a little more.
In any case Harrigan arrives on the scene, busts out a pistol and starts dropping gangsters. He consolidates with his two partners Danny Archuleta (Ruben Blades) and Leona Cantrell (Maria Conchita Alonso).
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Danny seen here wearing a pair of glasses right out of the latest "Amish Chic" catalog. |
Harrigan comes out with the brilliant plan of "drive a car real fast and shoot some fools". Which he does, but unbeknownst to him and indeed all those around him, they are being watched by a strange force.
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*Predator Noise* |
The other gangsters retreat into the building to put more bullets in their guns and "baking powder" in their noses.
Harrigan, desperate to live up to his "Renegade Cop" stereotype, moves into the building, against the Chief's wishes.
However, they won't have to worry about the gangsters as the Predator (played once again by Kevin Peter Hall) decides to drop in.
The Predator slaughters the gangsters off screen as Harrigan and co. ascend the building. One of the gangsters busts out and runs up to roof, with Harrigan taking pursuit. The Gangster, having been traumatized, doesn't listen to Harrigan's threats to drop the guns, when a familiar face drops in.
However, they won't have to worry about the gangsters as the Predator (played once again by Kevin Peter Hall) decides to drop in.
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*Badun Tish* |
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"Do you want to be in Aliens vs. Predator, directed by Paul WS Anderson?" |
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"Didn't he make Mortal Kombat: Annihilation?' |
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"...Yes." |
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"No thanks." |
He turns and sees...The Predator, having made his first big appearance just 10 minutes into the movie!
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"Ah, damn it! I wanted a close up, but I'm cloaked, no one can see me! You'll pay for this Harrigan, you'!" |
Danny joins Harrigan on the roof and then does something that always bothers me every time I watch this film, he squats near the edge of a roof!
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They head back down to the room where the gangsters were keeping all of their guns and "baking powder" to investigate.
They discover that all the gangsters were fully armed, yet they completely slaughtered anyway. They speculate about how this could have happened in a scene that basically goes like this:
HARRIGAN: Who the hell did this?
DANNY: I dunno
DANNY: I dunno
They spot a body up in the rafters, and they all become spooked. As they leave, the Predator takes the body.
Heading back outside, Harrigan is chewed out by DA CHIEF about his disobeying of rules and that he should have waited for the Feds. Harrigan takes it less than well.
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"Don't test me Harrigan, the last time I had to deal with a rogue cop I almost Died Hard!" |
From here we cut to an extremely busy Police Station, packed with over-worked cops, barely restrained criminals and worst of all...80's BILL PAXTON!
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"I learned this trick from my time in the Marines!" |
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"Don't worry Captain, I will eat him soon enough" |
Lambert's attempts at flirtation end about as well as you would expect.
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"Game over man, game over!" |
Hey, I just realized, both the Predator and Alien franchises have a character named "Lambert" in them. Huh. Well, I bet that will be the very last Alien reference in this movie!
From there we cut across town to later that night where a Colombian drug lord and his lady friend are performing a very enthusiastic game of Twister. They get interrupted by a group of Jamaican Gangsters (Ugh, typical right?), who string the drug lord up by his feet and threaten to use "Voodoo magic" on him.
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"Ah even got all dis ketchup for da ceramonee mon!" |
If anything it's theme park of Voudo! Voodoo, is a religion much like Catholicism actually, with one God but many Saints (or in this case, Loa). What you're depicting here is Voudo or Hoo-doo, the spiritual underpinnings of Voodoo, but not actually the practices of Voodoo itself, so please get it right!
Anyway, the Jamaicans murder the dude and then I'm going to give you one guess as to who shows up.
No, the Predator shows up and starts wrecking up the place. Although I'm not really all that worried about them because at least one of these guys is clearly a robot because he bleeds sparks.
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Yes, it's the Kool-Aid Man, he shows up and gives all the Jamaicans drinks COME ON! |
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Oh no mon, he hit ma Jamaican slang gen-ah-ratah mon! |
Cut to a while later and the police have arrived and cordoned off the area. Harrigan and Danny get out and are immediately beset by Pope, but Lambert is able to scare him off. They want to go in, but the police radio says that need to wait for the Feds. Harrigan decides, "Screw That!" and heads inside with his team anyway.
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There's something very familiar about all this. |
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She's a bitch. |
Just then Keyes and his men burst in and demand that Harrigan and company leave the scene immediately. He pulls Harrigan aside and basically threatens him to stay out of his business. Pope is spotted spying on them and is so "escorted" out of the building. Keyes walks off but Harrigan isn't done with him and goes to stop him when he's stopped by JAYNE!
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The Hero of Canton, the man they call JAYNE! |
Before we continue I'd just like to say, I totally ship Harrigan and Danny. They're Finn and Poe levels of cute bro-mance,
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Now KISS! |
Cutting back to Danny, and he's decided to jump the gun and go investigate the room himself. This leads to a slow, very well done scene of Danny investigating the room, climbing up the rafters and retrieving the alien spearhead. Unfortunately, for Danny (and my fan-fiction) it ends about as well as you'd expect.
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"Would you like to star in Predators?" |
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"From the guy who directed Spy Kids?" |
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He spots Keyes and chases him down and pushes him against a wall. What ensues is a glorious ham-to-ham combat between Danny Glover and Gary Busey that is so enormously hamtastic that it almost threatens dethrone Captain Wolverine Blackbeard as King of Ham Mountain.
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Almost. |
Okay to save on time I'm speed through these next two scenes so we can get to the real juicy stuff.
Harrigan is reminded by Leona and Lambert that he's not an island and needs their help. Lambert was able to track Keyes down to the Slaughterhouse district where he then lost them and Harrigan orders Leona to set up a meeting with King Willie.
After a brief interlude where Keyes is seen field testing...something, we cut over to a forensics lab where an old scientist lady studies the alien spear tip and finds it to be...well...alien. And this is really my only big problem with the film. We spend half the movie with Harrigan and company who's doing all the murdering around town, but we the audience already know who it is, it's the Predator. This isn't too bad, as the character are likable to follow around, but this does stink a bit of the movie Devil, a movie that thinks its audience is too stupid to figure out that the bad guy is the Devil.
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There's a reason why they didn't call Jaws "It's a Wonderful Shark!" |
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"Oh man, King Willie? I love that guy! I'm going to go get his autograph!" |
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He DOES have a pretty swank ass cane though. |
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"Bring da kiddies, mon." |
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"Oh my infernal God of the Hunt Vlurhg, it's King Willie! Can I have your autograph?" |
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"Thanks!" |
Cut to the next day and Harrigan is visiting Danny's grave. The Predator watches on when a small child runs holding a plastic gun. The Predator scans and the boy and realizes he is no threat. That's something I've always liked about the Predator films, they have a code of honor, which actually makes them kind of likable (you know aside from all the murdering they do), instead of just being a big stupid alien for our main protagonist to throw around.
The boy offers the Predator candy, but because The Predator is on a meat only diet he refuses. The boy runs off and tells his parents that he saw a "Ghost".
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"This almost as bad as that time your sister said she saw Superman!" |
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In any case, Harrigan snatches the necklace and undoubtedly needs to go find himself a new of grandpa pants.
The nerd pulls a gun on the hooligans, which in turn makes them pull theirs gun on him and, because this is Los Angeles, everyone pulls a gun on them, including Lambert and Leona.
Smash cut to a (clearly San Franciscan) subway train, and Lambert and Leona are dealing with some hooligans hooliganising some innocent commuters. The hooligans bully an Aperture Scientist looking dude, which is clearly their last mistake.
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"I'm about to show you why they say ya shouldn't "look at the operating end of the device"!" |
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Damn, even Granny's packing! |
No wait, sorry...
*Reads script*
Sorry, read the wrong script! What I meant to say was, DEATH! DEATH AND PAIN! THE PREDATOR COMES TO REAP THEIR SINS!
Yes, somehow, the Predator knows that guns are on this specific train and busts through the roof, causing all the lights to flicker in a way that is guaranteed to cause seizures.
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" have learned well my crab-faced apprentice!" |
...and makes Granny talk to the hand.
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Certainly would explain a lot. |
Cut to later and Harrigan has arrived on the scene of the crime. He tries to talk to Leona, but she's carted away into an ambulence and subsequently, out of this movie. Seriously, we never see her again. He runs down past the train and spots The Predator ripping out Lambert's spine (So the Terminator punched his heart out, the Alien snuggled him to death off-screen and The Predator goes all metal and rips out his freaking spine! Yeah, I'd say the Predator earned that trophy). They escape up to the street and the Predator climbs up. Harrigan heads to his car to pursue, but Pope tries to stop him. I think I'll let Shepard reenact how Harrigan deals with the situation.
Inside Keyes' HQ, he divulges to Harrigan their plan to take down The Predator in the slaughterhouse using nitroglycerin cannons, heat deflecting suits (the Predator can only see in infra-red) and ultra-violet lights.
It's here that the Predator introduces a new staple to the Predator mythos, alternate vision modes! You know, I just realized, Predators would be much better hunters if they could just see in normal vision.
And so begins the 45 minute long climax. No, seriously, the last third of this movie is the climax involving Harrigan taking on the Predator.
Harrigan chases the bastard down with his car before he gets blindsided by Keyes' goons and taken to their headquarters. Meanwhile the Predator is very stealth-fully roaring in triumph on the top of a building.
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Keyes and his goons head in to the slaughterhouse with the Predator to flush him out, but he's not taking the bait.
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"Hmm, my Predator sense is tingling!" |
He cycles through the visions until he finds one that allows him to see the Ultra violet lights.
He cycles through the visions until he finds one that allows him to see the Ultra violet lights.
Also, this scene is a shameless rip off of Aliens.
In any case, The Predator makes short work of Keyes and his goons (y'know, I find myself having to find a lot of different way to say "the Predator jumps down and murders some fools in this review). Harrigan, seeing that everything has gone to poop, arms up and bursts into the slaughterhouse ready to take on the Predator.
The Predator tries to cloak, but finds that the water from the sprinklers is shorting his technology. This always bugged me, how come futuristic advanced alien technology is shorted out by water? Hell we have PHONES that can survive more than a little wetness!
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"Aw man, I KNEW I shouldn't have upgraded to Windows 10!" |
He approaches the Predator's "corpse" and removes his mask, takes the Predator's body to a local lab, gets untold riches and retires to the Bahamas.
At least that's what would have happened if the Predator didn't immediately wake up.
At least that's what would have happened if the Predator didn't immediately wake up.
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"Try to steal my close-up from me, you son of a bitch!" |
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Even HE knows how awesome he looks. |
Still, it's leagues above the Predators from Aliens vs. Predator.
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*Predator fart* |
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I mean...obviously! |
*deep exhale*
Harrigan slowly makes his way through the Predator's ship. The ship is fairly interestingly designed, but unfortunately, does dean this Monty Python reference apt.
He continues to make his way through a ship that looks the smoke machine maintenance guy had an off day, when he runs into one of the greatest Easter Eggs of all time.
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Oh my's the skull of a T-Rex from Jurassic Park! |
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Yes I will review them too, someday.A day I fear like a worm fears an eagle. | does he retire to the Bahamas?
NO! At least half a dozen more Predators (which I imagine is the reason behind the lesser effects) emerge from the shadows and train their guns on him.
NO! At least half a dozen more Predators (which I imagine is the reason behind the lesser effects) emerge from the shadows and train their guns on him.
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"Man...I am too OLD for this sh*t!" |
Fortunately for Harrigan, these particular Rastafarian space gun-nuts are not interested in killing him, and at least one Predator elder hands him an antique gun as a sign of respect. The alien ship takes off but Harrigan escapes just in time. He emerges back out into the outside where Keyes' right hand man (you know, the one played by JAYNE!) demands to know what happened and is pissed that they missed their chance.
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"Dammit, now I'm going to have to go into space MYSELF!" |
And they would, 20 years later and starring that guy from The Pianist for...some ungodly reason.
Is Predator 2 a perfect movie? No, not by any stretch of the imagination. It plot holes out the wazoo, it's awkwardly structured with a climax that takes up half the film's running time and the effects just straight up aren't as good as the first movie. However, do any of these faults stop the film from being a kick-ass, cheesy 80's action romp? Absolutely not! The actors give entertaining performances, the action is a lot of fun and the Predator is always fun to watch when he's doing what he does best. So no, Predator 2 is not a perfect film, but it does not deserve the hatred it gets and receives a very solid Copper Award for Certified Cinematic Goodness
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