As you can probably tell by the name of this blog, the fact that I have an Australian flag as a background, and the fact that lamingtons rain from the sky every time someone reads a page, I am an Australian. And as an Australian, I am often fascinated by the depictions of Australia in media. Often times we're painted in broad, cultural parody brushes. You know the stuff, crazy overly-masculine supermen, hilariously dangerous deserts filled with all kinds of eldritch abominations and giant nightmare spiders and ridiculous accents filled with such incomprehensible slang as "G'Day" and "Tucka" and "Tony Abbott".
Well, I'm here, as an Australian, to tell's all true.
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This is me on my way to work. |
Now, I'm a big fan of Disney. Like I said back in my Pan review it's difficult to pull sentimentality off well in movies, but they have it down almost to a formula. They are able to pretty regularly and reliably put out content that appeals to both adults and children. I am an 18 year old. I am drowning in the putrescent waters of teenage angst, and crippling self-doubt and I believe that THE whole world is awful and that most things produced by the Hollywood machine are horrible, manipulative garbage. I went to Disneyland only a couple of weeks ago and it was one of the most magical freakin' experiences of my entire life. My outer shell of sarcastic teenage bitterness washed away and I was genuinely excited at the prospect of riding The Haunted Mansion. If they can do that to me, then they must be doing something right.
MOST of the time anyway. |
Disney were at the top of the world during the early nineties, producing such classics as The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin and, of course, The Lion King. But in-between Mermaid and Beauty was a sequel to Disney's The Rescuers, The Rescuers Down Under, the one outright bomb of that golden age. For reasons that I'm too lazy to look up that elude me, pretty much all the marketing for this film was pulled, leading it to fail at the box office despite good reviews. Since then, it has grown a fairly sizable cult following, but I'm not here to talk about that. If you didn't know, this movie is set in Australia and as an Australian I feel it's my patriotic duty to analyze its depiction of Australian culture and its people!
Nah, not really, I just want to make fun of a movie made by people I respect that's aimed mostly at children.
Let's see if the Yowies are kind, and let's play some didgeridoo for The Rescuers Down Under
(NOTE: Also, yes I realize that reviewing Disney films is mostly the Unshaved Mouse's thing but I actually am Australian so I feel I can provide an interesting point of view on this movie so be silent)
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Causes intestines to liquefy. |
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Causes inoperable bowel blockage |
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Causes you to drink XXXX.(Oh yeah, I went there) |
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Although I am going to have to take away a few points due to the fact that flowers don't exist in Australia. |
The camera moves across the field and then into a random Australian house. Here, we meet our main child for the movie, Cody (voiced by Adam Ryen), waking up in a traditional Australian bed.
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Doonas (or "Bed Covers" for you yanks) are too risky in the outback, too accustoming to small bitey things. The stench of man clothes should keep them away. Should. |
Sorry, got off track there.
The forest near Uluru.
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Truly a land of bountiful green. |
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Well, makes sense to me! |
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Seen here having been trapped on her way to kick the Witch King's arse. |
Well, she's an Eagle obviously but that's beside the point.
I choose to believe that she is one of the last members of an ancient Australian Animal sub-group called Mega-fauna. And if you thought modern day Australian animals were dangerous...well they are, but they have nothing on the various Mega-fauna species that used to inhabit Australia.
I choose to believe that she is one of the last members of an ancient Australian Animal sub-group called Mega-fauna. And if you thought modern day Australian animals were dangerous...well they are, but they have nothing on the various Mega-fauna species that used to inhabit Australia.
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Case in point, Megalania. The T-Rexes of Australia. Hey, that rhymed! |
They then take off on a flight across the Australian sky and it is here I would like to drop the snark and sarcasm for a moment to just say that this film, and this sequence in particular, is...
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...really... |
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...really... |
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...really... |
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...really... |
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...PURDY! |
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"He's having an affair with a Kookaburra. Bloody thing won't stop laughing about it." |
They cover back up Marahute's nest but one of her feathers comes loose, which she allows Cody to keep.
We transition to the forest were Marahute drops Cody off before taking flight. Cody runs through forest happily before passing this completely not ominous sign.
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Oh hey! The "Wanted" musical is in town. Sweet! |
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I assume you've all seen the documentary. |
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That's "subtle" in a relative sense, of course. |
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McLeach exits his truck and it is here we are introduced to Joanna (voiced by that guy who voices everything, Frank Welker), McLeach's personal pet Goanna. Ha. Ha. What a lame joke. There's no way this character is going to be the least bit AAAAAAAAHHHHH!
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You ever hear a story like "Man sleeps with Sheep", or "Women bakes children in oven" and then you see their profile picture and they look EXACTLY like how you think they'd look. Yeah. |
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Honestly, they're the Starbucks of the outback. |
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Y'know, that's really a threat you should take more seriously around here. |
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Man, New York City has way less pixels than I remember. |
In any case, Bernard and Bianca can't accept the mission due to the fact that they're not there, but at a restaurant celebrating the anniversary of their "partnership".
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Ah, partner-zoned, I've been there buddy. |
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Wah Wah Waaaaaaah! |
WILBUR: Kidnapped? Oh! That-that's awful! Lockin' up a little kid. Kids should be free! Free to run wild through the house on Saturday mornings, free to have cookies and milk, and get those little white mustaches, you know? Nobody's gonna take a kid's freedom away while I'm around! Nobody ain't! Hear me?
That's beautiful man!
They take off through the city, really showing off how dated it is. Wilbur says that he can't fly all the way to Australia by himself and that he's going to have to make connections with a "bigger bird". Fair enough, I've walked from Brisbane to New York, it's a fair chog.
Cut back to Cody and McLeach, and the old poacher has taken the boy out to his hideout in some abandoned opal mines. He yells at Cody to be quiet in case anyone hears him. Mate, you're in the middle of the outback, you could blast out a Dragonforce concert and the only ones that'd hear you would be the kangaroo carcasses.
There's a brief cut back to Cody's house with his Mum merely yelling his name in worry. It's a simple moment but one that's guaranteed to make any parents watching to just clutch their children slightly.
There's a brief cut back to Cody's house with his Mum merely yelling his name in worry. It's a simple moment but one that's guaranteed to make any parents watching to just clutch their children slightly.
Back to the Rescuers, they've fallen asleep inside a plane's landing gear. The plane opens up and Wilbur jumps out in a moment that's so pretty and exciting that it almost makes me ignore the fact that you can totally see through the Sydney Opera House in this shot.
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AHG! My precious Immersion! 0 out of 10! No stars! Worse than child syphilis! |
And because Australia is nothing except Sydney followed by an immediate expanse of desert, they arrive almost instantaneously near Uluru.
It's here we meet a new character Jake, essentially Crocodile Dundee if he was a mouse, learning the first rule of the outback:Never play checkers with a fly.
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Honestly it's just common sense. |
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Well, she is voiced by Eva Gabour |
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My question is, why does a shotgun need a scope? |
Truly, a quiet sanctum for love and peace. |
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Well, he lasted longer than most Yanks do. |
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First rule of the outback: Never kick your billy. |
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There's a metaphor here somewhere. |
Jake rustles the snake (okay there is definitely a metaphor here somewhere) and they use it as a mount and ride off.
You really feel for Bernard in this movie, he just wants to work up the courage to ask his lady friend to marry him but all this nonsense just keeps getting in the way. Bob Newhart does an excellent job of playing Bernard with a just good amount of earnestness and sympathy to make him work.
You really feel for Bernard in this movie, he just wants to work up the courage to ask his lady friend to marry him but all this nonsense just keeps getting in the way. Bob Newhart does an excellent job of playing Bernard with a just good amount of earnestness and sympathy to make him work.
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Admit it, you wanna give the poor bugger a hug. |
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Ah don't worry, he's just grouchy 'cause he's missing out on all of those koala orgies. |
Anyway, all the animals and Cody try to build a hook to grab the keys off the wall but guess who should show up?
She smashes the hook and everyone gets real sad about it.
No, Wilbur is still with Doctor Crazy Mouse and he's been strapped down onto a table and rigged up with a heart monitor. Doctor Crazy Mouse realizes that the damage to Wilbur's back is too extensive and calls for the "Epidermal Tissue Disruptor".
Wilbur realizes that this Doctor must have a few Kangaroos loose in the top paddock and makes a break for it. In the scuffle he's able to crick his own back back into place and then flies off to find B and B.
Okay, now THAT is the last Mad Max joke, I swear!
Back with McLeach he's fixing himself some lunch whilst also figuring out how to get the boy to spill the beans. It's actually quite a humorous scene as he tries to keep his eggs away from Joanna...
...but it does actually lead to plot development. He figures he can exploit Marahute's eggs as the boy's weakness to give up the goose, or eagle, in this case. And he figures all of this out whilst making this face.
Back to Cody, he's still in the cage. Skipping over a superfluous scene involving the Frilled Neck Lizard (another problem with this film is that it's surprisingly very padded), McLeach snatches the boy up and tells him "say goodbye to your little friends. It's the last you'll ever see of them!". And it's true, we never see any of these guys again.
B, B and J find Cody and tell him that he's in grave danger. Unfortunately he's unable to heed their warning of "Danger Will Cody Robinson Whateverhislastnameis" because he's distracted by Marahute's call. He runs over to the edge and is ecstatic to see she's alive. Wait, so...McLeach LIED!?
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"I was KEYED in that something bad was going on" |
After a brief scene where we see The Rescuers (And Jake) flying about on fireflies, we cut back to Wilbur as he reveals all of his vices.
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*Badum Tish!* |
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I'm beginning to think that talking mouse has never actually held a medical license. |
What follows is another Parent-nightmare inducing scene where one of the rangers delivers the bad news to Cody's Mum.
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'Tell me it's not true!' 'I'm afraid it is ma'm. Your son he's...joined the Warboys.' 'Nooooooooooooooooooo.' :-( |
Back with McLeach he's fixing himself some lunch whilst also figuring out how to get the boy to spill the beans. It's actually quite a humorous scene as he tries to keep his eggs away from Joanna...
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Just lock the box dude. |
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Purple lighting, never not evil. |
Bernard, Bianca and Jake (B, B & J) arrive at McLeach's door and begin trying to dig under it but it opens and they climb up atop it. McLeach throws Cody out and tells him that Marahute has been shot and yells at him to scram. He then begins to wonder out loud about what will happen to those eggs. Marahute's eggs, who will surely die without their Mother. If only someone who knew where the eggs were was able to go out to keep them safe. Because Marahute is totally dead. And the eggs will be dead too without their mother. Oh well.
Yeah, I think you all know what quote I'm gonna use here.
Why does everyone forget that Leia said this first?
Cody runs off, and McLeach begins his pursuit in his giant Death Machine on wheels.
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Stealthy! |
It's in this part that McLeach delivers my favorite line in the whole movie.
MCLEACH: I didn't make it all the way through third grade for nothing!
You know, by all accounts, McLeach should not be this interesting a villain. His motivation is fairly flat, he's greedy and wants the bird for money and he never really has much personality beyond "jerkass poacher" but because George C. Scott plays him with such energy and enthusiasm he becomes far more entertaining a character than he has any right to be. Much like Ronan from Guardians of the Galaxy or Owen from Jurassic World sometimes a talented actor can make even what should be the blandest character become more than the sum of their parts.
After a brief action beat, B, B & J land on McLeach's truck and follow Cody. Cody arrives at Marahute's nest and is relieved to find the eggs are okay. He tries to cover them up, even using the feather Marahute gave him but it gets blown away in the breeze leaving him despondent. Despite the fact there are more of them right there.
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But he looked so trustworthy! |
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"We're not worthy!" |
McLeach sends Joanna down to eat the eggs to make sure "that bird stays rare". You'd think that the eggs would be even more valuable than Marahute, seeing as how I'm sure there's some eccentric billionaire somewhere that would love a Great Golden Eagle omelet but whatever, I'm not a professional poacher.
At least not since the incident.
At least not since the incident.
Joanna tries to eat the eggs but find them too tough for her and so she knocks them off the cliff. Of course, those weren't really Marahute's eggs, as Bernard had kept them safe and used rocks in their stead. How a small mouse was able to move three big eggs and three equally large rocks in that small amount of time I don't know but lets move on.
Wilbur shows up and Bernard is able to convince him to do some literal babysitting whilst he goes after his captured friends. Back with McLeach, he's gloating over his capture of the Great Golden Eagle, but some yelling from Cody reminds him that he has "loose ends to tie up". Damn, that's pretty dark! I think this the only film wherein the villain's final goal is the outright murder of a child. I mean, yeah, Scar from The Lion King has child murder as a part of his plan but it wasn't the final endgame. Cody becomes dejected and slumps down. Bianca tries to comfort him by saying that Bernard will save them. Jake assumes this is a bluff, but she asserts that she genuinely means it; she actually trusts Bernard to never give up and come after them, which is really, actually heartwarming.
Bernard is hightailing it after McLeach but being a little mouse he isn't getting very far. Using Jake's example from earlier however, he is able to shame a Razorback Hog into acting as his mount. No small feat that, I mean Razorbacks are pretty nasty no matter where you're from but in Australia they can get HUGE!
McLeach has strapped Cody up and plans to feed him to the Crocodiles. Man, that is really evil. Instead of just shooting him he feeds him to crocodiles? Damn, he even dips Cody in a bit before bringing him back up, just to tease the scaly beasts, that's cruel! Thankfully, just before he can drop Cody in completely, the power to his truck cuts out.
Bernard grabs the keys from McLeach's truck and throws them up to Bianca and Jake who start to shimmy up the side of the cage with them. McLeach grabs out his gun and shoots the rope holding Cody up, causing it to fracture. Damn, not going for the instant kill, McLeach just wants to see this boy get ripped to pieces by Crocodiles.
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"Wow, dude, like seriously, tone it down!" |
Bernard is able to goad Joanna into knocking McLeach off the cliff into the water before he can completely shoot the rope free, but it comes undone anyway.
Bernard jump in after Cody and is able to lift him up out of the water...somehow. McLeach meanwhile is able to avoid a horrible messy by having a horrible messy death via water fall.
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Making him the 250000000007th Disney Villain to die by falling off of something tall. |
So, all are main characters are reunited, Bernard, having trekked across Australia, mounted a Razorback, fought a Gonna and braved waterfalls finally finds the courage to propose to Bianca to which she says yes and they finally fly off into the sunmoonset. And then the film, just kind of stops. Not end really, we go back to Wilbur he yells out to where the main characters are, the eggs hatch and they bite him and then...credits roll. Okay!? We don't see Cody get back to his Mum, we don't see what becomes of Joanna and um...I think there were some other characters we left behind.
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"Okay, I didn't wanna have to be the one to bring it up case they don't come back, who should be eaten first? I vote the Kangaroo." "HEY!" |
The Rescuers Down Under was a MASSIVE financial bomb when it came out which is a real damn shame, because it really is a good film. It's not without its flaws to be sure, its got a bit of a pacing issue, it's surprisingly padded, some of the side characters can be annoying, Miss Bianca is given very little to actually do and the film doesn't so much end as, just kind of stop. But aside from those, the main characters are likable, it can be really damn funny when it wants to be, McLeach is an excellent villain, the animation on the characters is fluid and expressive and most of all it's just really damn GORGEOUS to look at. Despite some dated CGI I still stand by that this film has some of the most beautiful backgrounds I've ever seen.
From the perspective of an Australian the film gets lots of things wrong mainly due in terms of landscape and environment but otherwise I was just kidding around.
If you have kids, a younger sibling or just wanna watch a damn good film, then this one is a bloody legend, mate!
From the perspective of an Australian the film gets lots of things wrong mainly due in terms of landscape and environment but otherwise I was just kidding around.
If you have kids, a younger sibling or just wanna watch a damn good film, then this one is a bloody legend, mate!
I give The Rescuers Down Under The
Silver Medal for Certified Cinematic Superiority!
Next Review: 20/04/2015
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